The Revd Lynda Lilley

Welcome to the Parish of the Broseley Group of Churches

If you are concerned  that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to here

Our parish lies to the south of the River Severn Gorge, a World Heritage Site, and cover the town of Broseley, the riverside community of Jackfield and the rural area to the south with its settlements which include Barrow, Linley and Willey.  Click here for a map showing the Parish boundary. Although we are in Shropshire, we belong to the Diocese of Hereford of the Church of England.

Our three churches - Broseley church (All Saints); Jackfield church (St Mary the Virgin) and Barrow church (St Giles) - are places of stillness and peace amidst the rush and busyness of everyday life. As members of God's family, we meet regularly for worship and offer a warm and open welcome to all.

The churches are often open daily during daylight hours for visitors and for private prayer.

Do look around this website so you can find out more about what we are doing. Click on the categories at the top of the page to navigate your way around.

Church of England logo reproduced by permission of the Archbishops Council. 

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